Minggu, 30 Maret 2014

Formerly JAYAWIJAYA peak Seabed

For mountain climbers , climbing the ranks Jayawijaya Mountains is a dream . Imagine, in one of the mountain peaks are the highest point in Indonesia , namely Carstensz Pyramide at a height of 4,884 meters above sea level ( masl ) .
Do not be surprised if the top mountain climbers world-class always compete to climb one of the entry points in a row of the top seven continents . Moreover, the existence of eternal snow peaks that always surrounds it , making increasingly passionate desire to reach it .

But , who would have thought if it was snowy peaks were once part of the ocean floor is very deep ! . Papua Island began to form at 60 million years ago . At that time , the island is still on the seabed formed by sedimentary rocks . Intensive deposition derived from the Australian continent in a long period of time resulted in a new land that is now called Papua . At that time , Papua is still fused with Australia .
The existence of New Guinea today , can not be separated from the geological theory that states that this world only has a continent named Pangea at 250 million years ago . In the period 240 million to 65 million years ago , Pangaea broke into two continents by forming the continents Laurasia and the Eurasian continent , which led to the formation of continents and mountains that currently exist around the world .
At that time also , the Eurasian continent is in the southern hemisphere continents broke back into Gonwana which would later become the mainland South America , Africa , India , and Australia .
At that time , the Australian continent to continent - the other continents were separated by oceans . In the northern part of the sea of ​​rocks that settles the island of Papua became part of Australia will appear at a later date . Intensive deposition of the kangaroo continent , eventually lifting sedimentary rocks on the sea surface . Of course, this removal process is based on the geological time scale with a speed of 2.5 km per million years .
This process is compounded by the plate collision between the Indo - Pacific to Indo - Australian seabed . This plate collision resulted in the island arc , which also became the forerunner of the island and in the mountains of Papua .
Finally, the appointment process continues - again due to sedimentation and tectonic events along the bottom of the sea, over a period of millions of years resulted in high mountains as can be seen today . Evidence that the high mountains of New Guinea and their ever been a part of the seabed can be seen from the left fossils in the rocks Jayawijaya .
Although located at an altitude of 4,800 masl , fossilized sea shells , for example , can be seen in limestone and clastic rocks contained in Jayawijaya Mountains . Therefore , in addition to being a paradise of the climbers , Jayawijaya Mountains also be a geologist's paradise world .
While the separation of the Australian mainland and Papua by the sea starts from the end of the ice age that occurred in the last 15,000 years . The melting of ice into the ocean in the end separates the mainland of Papua with the Australian continent .
There are many secrets rocks Jayawijaya untapped . Moreover , the age of the island of Papua is still considered young so that the process of appointment of the island continues to this day . This is also the reason for the mention of Papua New Guinea , New Guinea , which means it is an island that is still new .
While the presence of snow is in the top few Jayawijaya , believes it will fade away as experienced Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania . The loss of one - only snow owned by mountains in Indonesia was caused by global climate change that is occurring in the tropics .

Is it dangerous Candle In Leather Apples?

http://www.inagurasi.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/kulit-apel.jpg Fifty percent of the nutrients in apples found in the skin, which contains vitamins and anti-oxidants. This is an antioxidant that helps the body protect body cells and prevent colon cancer, prostate cancer and lung. Plus and rheumatic heart disease.
If you eat fresh apples picked from the tree can be eaten after being washed because it is still safe for health. But not everyone has an apple tree plantations or close to Apple.
Therefore, for this second class of prospective buyers generally buy apples that have been coated with wax. This wax is useful to maintain the freshness of fruit in a long time.
The issue is whether the wax is harmful to our health if consumed?
Actually apple is not picked, the skin naturally contains wax. It turned out that the wax is useful to protect the water content is plentiful in apples.
Without the wax the fruit will lose moisture and water content will be kept out of the apple skin pores so that over time the fruit becomes mushy and dry.
Once harvested apples are washed and cleaned by brushing to get rid of all the dirt on the skin. This process removes the natural wax coating.
To keep the freshness of the apple then apple packer will do the polishing wax back on the apple. But these are not just any candle wax as we find such luminary candle, wax polishes and other vehicles.
Candle wax used is commercial grade or food grade wax. Where around half pounds can be used to polish the wax to about 160,000 pieces or about 2 drops of candle is enough to coat 1 apple. Candles not made from chemicals but from natural materials such as Carnauba Wax, Palm leaves Brazil, Candellia Wax, Euphorbia kind of plant, the type of food grade Shellac is made from a type of beetle in India and Pakistan. The wax material is also made to coat sweets and bread-rotian.
The wax material in America's security must be certified (for consumption) by a specialized agency of consumption that is FDA (Food and Drug Administration).
Even so sometimes we are not sure if we buy apples indeed safe to eat without removing the skin. It is true, some apple producers abroad often mischievous use of wax synthetic material that may harm our health.
But there are ways to eliminate pesticides and wax on apples. You can do this by washing the fruit in water, and then one by one apple wiped with a clean towel.
This will reduce the amount of pesticides and wax left on the fruit. If still not sure at this time there is a liquid market that are sold specifically for cleaning pesticides and the wax coating.
So from now on if eating apples do not peel the skin because most of the nutrients will be wasted along with the skin. Obviously this would be very detrimental to us because of the benefits to the body is not optimal.

Drugs in Drinking Tea Can ..?

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg20b5BZ7COmhrVgwhUkAFpu3uKJ5iJMoqoln0He6jD8DviL197mozZkdD_DB5Ho2Is9c8uoPubDKewX2KHAlvb5vOY7tON54Fmg5QUhSRLuhvaiu7P-s7gaLP4OVWrWTYMl6qoa6EQLy38/s320/a+o.jpgDrugs in Drinking Tea Can ..?Pain is the most disliked by everyone , whether parents, adults , and children alike . One way to cope with the symptoms of the disease are resting and taking medication as directed to use the recommended doctor or pharmacist .Prescription drugs generally do not taste good when drunk , even bitter taste tend . Therefore , we often consume the drug with food or beverages that taste sweet to mask the bitter taste . Moreover, when the patients are children who usually take the drug in powder form . Parents should be good to anticipate that children would consume drugs such bad taste , usually by mixing the drug with food or their child's favorite drink .One alternative to take medicine to reduce the unpleasant taste of drugs is drinking the sweet tea ( Hidayat , 2010) .TehTeh leaves a drink with a distinctive taste as well as beneficial to health . Tea is usually used by people to maintain a healthy and taking medication . The hope , in addition to getting healthy effects of the drug , also obtained from the healthy effects of tea .People generally do not know that tea contains tannin . Tannins in tea can bind to a variety of active drug compounds so difficult absorbed or absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract . It inil resulted in reduced efficacy of the drug , because drugs that can be absorbed by the body are limited in number ( Anonymous , 2010) . So often the drug already drunk , but symptoms are not immediately disappear , because no drug effect was maximal .In addition to interfere with absorption of drugs , tannins may interfere with drug distribution network (site of action ) . Tannins have a phenol group which can bind to the protein , so that the amount of free protein in the body is reduced . This will lead to drugs that are in the circulatory system can not bind to the protein . As a result , the number ofdrug in the free form will increase . This increase can be due to toxic effects of drugs can go directly to the cell membrane and cause exaggerated effects in the body .Tea also contains caffeine ( although concentration is much less when compared with coffee ) but tea also has a stimulant effect on the central nervous system . So avoid consuming substances containing caffeine ( tea ) , if the treatment with drugs that also can stimulate the central nervous system such as asthma medications containing theophylline or epinephrine ( Anonymous , 2010) .Tea is giving health effects in the body as functioning as an antioxidant , to capture free radicals that may retard aging ( Ariel , 2009) . But it turns out after doing research , there are the effects of food and beverages taken together with drugs , drug interactions and foods that can reduce drug efficacy and can be life-threatening ( if excessive reactions in the central nervous system by caffeine ) ( Anonymous , 2010 ) .Thus indeed saying that , it is better to prevent than cure , but if it is already sick , do not weird to take medicine with drinks of various flavors in order to reduce the unpleasant taste of the drug , because of the effects on the contrary , that is not cured . To be safe take medicine with water , because water is neutral and has no effect when it reacts with a drug , just dissolve it.

Benefits and content of banana peel

Banana is the common name given to the large -leaved giant herb plants extends from the tribe Musaceae . Some species ( Musa acuminata , M. balbisiana and M. × paradisiaca ) produce the same fruit called consumption . The fruit bunches are arranged in groups composed menjari , called comb .Almost all bananas have yellow skin when ripe , though some were colored orange , red , green , purple , or even almost black .Bananas as food is a source of energy ( carbohydrates ) and minerals , particularly potassium .
It should be realized , the term " banana " is also used for a number of types that do not produce fruit consumption , such as abaca banana , ornamental banana , and banana fan . This article discusses only the consumption of fruit and banana related relatives .
Who does not know a banana ? The bright yellow fruit has a distinctive taste and can block the stomach privileged rich in healthy carbohydrates cause . Banana is one fruit that is easy to find everywhere . Indonesia is a tropical country and is one of the banana crop that thrives in the tropics . Due to abundant , bananas sold at affordable price . Efficacy bananas not only as a source of carbohydrate but also a source of vitamins , fiber and beta carotene . Reportedly , the consumption of one banana a day will keep you from a heart attack ! Bananas are special ! Not just the meat alone , it turns banana peel was no less amazing . If you have to just take the garbage from now on you should think again . Because the benefits of banana peel is quite diverse and has been clinically tested . Do not believe ? The following description .
Content of Banana Skin
Before dissecting the benefits of banana peel , it could not hurt to understand what compounds were present in the skin that are often considered waste . In general , a banana peel contains a lot of carbohydrates , water , vitamin C , potassium , lutein , anti - oxidants , calcium , B vitamins , fat , protein , B complex of vitamins including vitamins B6 , vegetable oils , fibers , serotonin and many others . All components of this compound has a variety of properties that are good for the body . Not only that , kupit bananas also it can be a source of alternative energy ! Wow !
Unravel the Benefits of Banana Skin
Observing the active substance is quite complex , it is very natural that a banana skin then also have a variety of benefits . Here are some benefits of banana peel quoted from various sources :

As a mood enhancer . Did you know that banana peel is rich in substance serotonin . This substance is responsible for the feeling of happiness in the human body . And to regularly consume a banana skin , will help you be more relaxed and a portion of course . Overseas, smooties always mixed with banana skins . While in Indonesia , banana smoothies only form of meat and mashed banana .
As a pain reliever . Banana peel contains a number of vegetable oils are also certain excellent sneyawa dampen pain . Quite easy , tenpekan banana peel that had been cleaned and is still in a fresh state on the part of your body that is experiencing pain as a burning or sharp objects scratch .
Overcoming itching . If you often feel the itching caused by insect bites and also ants , use a banana peel . Just paste on the surface of the skin itch .
Warts expel bullies . Warts is usually small , but nonetheless disturbing . This can be solved with a banana peel . do I just stick a banana peel on the wart , then glue to hold the plaster and leave as long as possible . Do this until the wart stop growing and disappear completely from the skin .
Accelerate wound healing . And apunya If the wound is closed and the black crust appear to interfere , just stick a banana peel that the black layer immediately disappear without a trace .
Eliminates headaches . The trick is to peel the banana puree and paste it on the head like a compress . In some time , your headache will disappear .
Eliminates acne . Same way as the others . Simply attached . It could also be mashed and then made ​​like a mask . Use at night .
As an alternative energy source . Recent research proves banana peels contain electrical power so that the battery could be a power stone .
As livestock feed . These benefits are well known , of course.
Fertilize the soil . He can act as compost . The trick , just put in the ground that you want Sehatkan .
Substitute shoe polish . is easy enough , peel the banana and use the peel to your shoes .
As a water purifier and oil . The best banana skin is golden bananas . The trick is to put in the water and oil to be clarified .
For consumption . Did you know that today has been developed basic flour bernbahan especially banana banana peel ? Quality, no less than other types of flour

Sabtu, 29 Maret 2014

Tea For Health

   Tea consumption has been in decades and many believecontaining health benefits . Various types of tea haveThe proven ability to prevent and treat many diseases .Tea is a natural substance that does not contain chemicals ,so it is not harmful for consumption every day .Content results in various types of tea has the ability to preventand treating different diseases . Tea is also used asbeverages curing therapy by Chinese people since decades .Here's the content of the tea for the health you need to know and may be useful :Tea Calming the mind :::If you are experiencing boredom , stress ,and a lot of pressure for a lot of tasks , brewed tea and drink while warm ,while sitting calm down and relax the breath .Surely your mind will calm down . In black tea and green teacontains L - theanine which calms the mind and cancreate more focus , after you drink the tea .
Fight the Flu Tea :::Tea can increase endurance , so that we canprevent the risk of getting the flu and other disease .The body will feel warm after drinking the tea .
Tea ::: Skin RegenerationThe content of flavonoids in tea is very much useful , usableto help regenerate the skin , activate skin cells , givingskin immunity on pollution , and prevent aging of the skin ,so skin looks fresh and healthy .
Tea ::: Reduce Stroke RiskTea contains natural ingredients are good for the body andagainst the risk of disease can arise , such as the risk of stroke .There is research that says that by eatingas much as 3-4 cups of tea every day , can reduce the riskstroke by 20 % . However , to note ,if you have diabetes risk , should reduce the use of sugar .
Circulatory Smooth Tea :::The content of flavonoids in tea besides helping the skin regenerate ,also useful to help dilate the blood vessels ,thus helps in blood circulation , blood peredarah be smooth .If the current blood peredarah would impact both to other organs ,such as pumping blood throughout the body ,so a healthy heart , blood flow to the brain is also smooth .
Weight Loss Tea :::Because tea contains many ingredients that are healthy and natural ,making tea safe for consumption anytime and anyone .Tea contains no calories and harmful compounds ,if you consume tea is not much in the use of teaand not mixed with milk , then youcan use alternative tea for weight loss .
Tea For Diet :::If you intend to go on a diet . Perform a diet with natural ingredients ,so it is not harmful and long-lasting . You can go on a dietdiligently drinking unsweetened tea or unsweetened tea , without any mixture .Plus tea without sugar and other sweet ingredients , can bindharmful compounds in the body and the excess fat .Thereby reducing weight and slimming the stomach .If you are diligent bitter drink 2 cups of tea every day , your weight can be reduced .Of course , you also have to reduce a lot of foodcontain oil , which is not good for health .
Tea ::: Strengthens TeethWho would have thought if the tea is also beneficial to medical dental health ?Especially black tea , which contains antimicrobial compounds .Useful antimicrobial compounds in tea to prevent cavitiesand can strengthen teeth , teeth stronger and healthier .But you need to pay attention , do not be too excessive in tea consumption ,because it can leave rocks on the tooth . To protect teeth from tartar ,several minutes after you drink tea , you rinse with water ,or you drink tea through a straw .
Tea ::: Prevent Bad BreathThe content of the black tea which contains antioxidants besidesgood for the body is also good for the teeth . Antioxidants can neutralize toxins in the body .Antioxidants and polyphenols in tea can kill and inhibitthe growth of bacteria , including killing bacteria that cause bad breath .So that the teeth always avoid bad breath and the breath is always fresh and confident .Our ancestors had already applying tea for dental health .The ancients did not know the drugs and the dentist today.They are in the care of the teeth only with betel leaves and tea .Caring for teeth with tea , by drinking unsweetened tea or unsweetened teaafter eating , or can perform mouth with fresh tea before bed at night .Besides tea can prevent bad breath ,also be strong teeth , fresh breath , and avoidof cavities and dental caries .

7 Benefits of Noni Fruit

7 Manfaat Buah Mengkudu

Noni is known as a medicinal plant that is good for health and contain lots of vitamins and vitamin minaral proteins .Menkudu fruit taken from the scientific name of the fruit grown in kepuloan menkudu like asia pacific and northern Australia this plant can live in the tropics .In addition to a lot of content and health benefits , the fruit has an unpleasant smell , noni juice is made because a lot of good for health can overcome and prevent disease .Noni juice contained much vitamin C and ntrisi complete , which could menyebuhkan or to prevent all sorts of diseases . Noni juice is made in the traditional manner or in a natural way .
7 benefits of noni fruitThere is much more info about the benefits of noni fruit that we get from various health experts , diantaranaya :1 . Anti cancer . Noni is very powerful to overcome or prevent the arrival of cancer , which can protect our bodies noni contained substances which are very good for our bodies .2 . Can reduce diabetes . In beebagai prescription menkudu fruit has been investigated by health experts , proven to treat heart disease , stroke , diabetes , blindness and organ failure , this fruit has been used to treat diabetes and usefulness powerful sngat 26 million in America have diabetes and can be overcome with medication natural .3 . Immunity. In penelitin health experts in laboratirium fruits that contain lots of protein . Act as an antioxidant and has been used for medicinal purposes as well as for its ability to fight tumors and treating diabetes .4 . Lowering blood sugar . in maintaining and preventing the food we eat should bernutrsi bleak as noni fruits are rich in vitamins and proteins because noni known as triterpenes and saponins .5.Mencegah cataracts . Cataract is caused due to a rise in blood sugar that can cause damage to the eye or cataract swollen right eye membrane cells become less pengliatan consume noni pengliatan proven to maintain clear eye lens .6.Bisa treat heart disease . People affected by heart disease in because diets are not in seimbangi with foods that contain nutrients . So korener blockages in arteries , which caused deposition of cholesterol or fat , Which suplaian irregular blood to the heart , which can lead to heart disease .We have to balance the diet with nutritious food bleak fruits that contain lots of fiber , especially noni fruit can overcome heart disease and so consume noni fruit in barengi with exercise .7 . Anti- tumor . Noni stimulates a lot of content that can produce nitric oxide . Nitric oxide is a very useful substance , one of the many benefits of the underlying fruit menkudu .In this case , reducing tumor growth and help your body fight cancer cell replication . In the case of cancer is already present , noni and other plants with high amonts will slow or stop the cancer process .