Sabtu, 29 Maret 2014

Tea For Health

   Tea consumption has been in decades and many believecontaining health benefits . Various types of tea haveThe proven ability to prevent and treat many diseases .Tea is a natural substance that does not contain chemicals ,so it is not harmful for consumption every day .Content results in various types of tea has the ability to preventand treating different diseases . Tea is also used asbeverages curing therapy by Chinese people since decades .Here's the content of the tea for the health you need to know and may be useful :Tea Calming the mind :::If you are experiencing boredom , stress ,and a lot of pressure for a lot of tasks , brewed tea and drink while warm ,while sitting calm down and relax the breath .Surely your mind will calm down . In black tea and green teacontains L - theanine which calms the mind and cancreate more focus , after you drink the tea .
Fight the Flu Tea :::Tea can increase endurance , so that we canprevent the risk of getting the flu and other disease .The body will feel warm after drinking the tea .
Tea ::: Skin RegenerationThe content of flavonoids in tea is very much useful , usableto help regenerate the skin , activate skin cells , givingskin immunity on pollution , and prevent aging of the skin ,so skin looks fresh and healthy .
Tea ::: Reduce Stroke RiskTea contains natural ingredients are good for the body andagainst the risk of disease can arise , such as the risk of stroke .There is research that says that by eatingas much as 3-4 cups of tea every day , can reduce the riskstroke by 20 % . However , to note ,if you have diabetes risk , should reduce the use of sugar .
Circulatory Smooth Tea :::The content of flavonoids in tea besides helping the skin regenerate ,also useful to help dilate the blood vessels ,thus helps in blood circulation , blood peredarah be smooth .If the current blood peredarah would impact both to other organs ,such as pumping blood throughout the body ,so a healthy heart , blood flow to the brain is also smooth .
Weight Loss Tea :::Because tea contains many ingredients that are healthy and natural ,making tea safe for consumption anytime and anyone .Tea contains no calories and harmful compounds ,if you consume tea is not much in the use of teaand not mixed with milk , then youcan use alternative tea for weight loss .
Tea For Diet :::If you intend to go on a diet . Perform a diet with natural ingredients ,so it is not harmful and long-lasting . You can go on a dietdiligently drinking unsweetened tea or unsweetened tea , without any mixture .Plus tea without sugar and other sweet ingredients , can bindharmful compounds in the body and the excess fat .Thereby reducing weight and slimming the stomach .If you are diligent bitter drink 2 cups of tea every day , your weight can be reduced .Of course , you also have to reduce a lot of foodcontain oil , which is not good for health .
Tea ::: Strengthens TeethWho would have thought if the tea is also beneficial to medical dental health ?Especially black tea , which contains antimicrobial compounds .Useful antimicrobial compounds in tea to prevent cavitiesand can strengthen teeth , teeth stronger and healthier .But you need to pay attention , do not be too excessive in tea consumption ,because it can leave rocks on the tooth . To protect teeth from tartar ,several minutes after you drink tea , you rinse with water ,or you drink tea through a straw .
Tea ::: Prevent Bad BreathThe content of the black tea which contains antioxidants besidesgood for the body is also good for the teeth . Antioxidants can neutralize toxins in the body .Antioxidants and polyphenols in tea can kill and inhibitthe growth of bacteria , including killing bacteria that cause bad breath .So that the teeth always avoid bad breath and the breath is always fresh and confident .Our ancestors had already applying tea for dental health .The ancients did not know the drugs and the dentist today.They are in the care of the teeth only with betel leaves and tea .Caring for teeth with tea , by drinking unsweetened tea or unsweetened teaafter eating , or can perform mouth with fresh tea before bed at night .Besides tea can prevent bad breath ,also be strong teeth , fresh breath , and avoidof cavities and dental caries .

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