Jumat, 09 Mei 2014

Ant Wonders for Brain Cancer


Brain tumor is a disease that attacks the brain . Due to the brain is one of the most important organs of the body , other organs may be disrupted , so that death may occur . Brain tumors can affect anyone , even children and teenagers , but in general the tumor invading the productive age or adult
Brain tumors do not always result in death . But in the case of benign brain tumors , as they grow , they can destroy and suppress normal brain tissue , which can result in paralysis or fatal . Because of this , doctors prefer to use the term " brain tumor " rather than " brain cancer . " Nowadays medical science has developed rapidly , diagnostic techniques and treatment has been given hope of life for brain tumor patients .
Some of the symptoms of brain cancer are easily found as follows :

Easy headaches and prolonged headache coming repeatedly can be a symptom of brain cancer .
Easy Often nausea nausea can also be a symptom of brain cancer .
Limp body brain cancer patients typically experience a limp body . Therefore, if the body is weak , though not easy doing heavy work , it needs to watch out .
It's hard to walk
Brain cancer sufferers will also experience difficulty walking conditions . Each will run feels wobbly. Symptoms of brain cancer is caused by the body in controlling the activity of the brain is impaired by the presence of cancer cells .
It's hard to hear and see the changes occurred also in the sense of hearing and sight . Patients will experience reduced hearing and vision . Symptoms of brain cancer is going to get worse as the increased severity of the cancer cells biting brain .
Numbness in the feet and hands brain cancer symptoms are also characterized by the occurrence of numbness in the feet and hands . Both of these organs due to impaired central nervous also being plagued by cancer cells .
difficulty concentrating
The attack on the brain makes patients also have difficulty concentrating . It will make people work hard to complete the well as a loss of concentration .
Decline in memory and response
Automatic brain cancer patients will also experience memory loss as well as the body's response . This is problematic organ affected brain began "controlled " ? ? cancer cells .
Decreased sense of smell addition to the sense of hearing and vision decline , brain cancer symptoms are also seen in the declining sense of smell . Patients with difficult to maintain a sense of smell as before .
Partially paralyzed on the face or body In some cases, patients may also experience partial paralysis of the face or any part of his body . This indicates that one of the middle brain suffered the onslaught of cancer cells .
Prolonged drowsiness
It could also be a symptom of brain cancer . People who experience prolonged sleepiness , despite having enough sleep , could be an indication that something is not normal in the brain .
Cessation of menstruation is not normal For women , the cessation of menstruation is not normal also need to watch out . It could be because it shows the symptoms of brain cancer or other cancers may be .
One type of herb that you should try is Papua ant nests according to some research , contains a variety of active compounds ranging from polyphenols , tannins , flavonoids , and tocopherols , which plays an important role as an antioxidant and anticancer .
Ants Nest has antiproliferative activity that can inhibit the spread of cancer cells thereby weakening its power . Many people have tried this ant nest efficacy for various treatments , including the treatment of brain cancer .
In addition to the active compounds in the above , in the ant nests are also found other useful content , such as tocopherols , magnesium , calcium , iron , phosphorus , sodium , and zinc . Here is a brief description of some useful active compounds contained in the ant nest .flavonoids
In the human body , flavonoids protects the cell structure , increase the effectiveness of vitamin C , anti - inflammatory , prevents bone loss , and as an antibiotic .
Recent studies have revealed that flavonoids are not only useful for prevention , but also for the treatment of cancer . And as anti - virus , flavonoids function has been widely publicized , including to weaken the HIV / AIDS virus and herpes viruses .
In addition , some studies also showed that the flavonoids reported a role in the prevention and treatment of several diseases such as asthma , cataracts , diabetes , arthritis / rheumatism , migraines , hemorrhoids , and periodontitis ( inflammation of the connective tissue supporting the roots of teeth ) .tannins
Tannins are astringent that bind and precipitate proteins in the body's excess . In the field of medicine , the tannins are used to treat diarrhea , hemostatic ( stop bleeding ) , and hemorrhoids . Because of the ability of ant nests for the treatment of hemorrhoids (piles ) and nosebleeds allegedly related to these substances .polyphenols
Polyphenols are found in fruits , vegetables and whole grains . The average human can consume in a day of polyphenols and 23 mg . Efficacy of polyphenols are anti - microbial and lowers blood sugar levels .
Phenolic acids are a class of antioxidants or compounds that eliminate free radicals , which can clog arteries and lead to changes in DNA that can cause cancer and other diseases .tocopherol
Research shows that alpha - tocopherol at a concentration of 12 ppm alone was able to reduce free radicals by 96 % while the ant nests are rich in antioxidants tocopherol , up to about 313 ppm . Of course , to reduce free radicals in the percentage would be higher .
Not surprisingly , this herb is known to have a quick reaction in helping to suppress cancer , tumors , and various forms of lumps that could be a tumor or cancer . Generally , only 1-2 months of regular use , you can already feel a definite improvement.magnesium
Magnesium is known as the minerals that are vital to the health of your heart . The effects of this mineral in the body which can dilate the coronary arteries , blood flow to the heart , increasing the good cholesterol ( HDL ) , and maintain a normal heart rhythm .
If the blood flow smoothly , not only heart disease, migraines can be overcome by the ability of these minerals . Not only that , it turns magnesium is needed in the absorption of calcium in the body .calcium
Hearing the word ' calcium ' , the first thing you would imagine usefulness in maintaining strong bones and teeth . However , it is not limited to only the efficacy of Calcium in your body .
As alluded to earlier , adequate calcium intake can relieve the symptoms of PMS in women and help maintain a normal heart rhythm . In addition , calcium is known to play an active role in the transmission of nerve and muscle strength .iron
Iron functions in the formation of hemoglobin , the component which plays an important role in transporting oxygen throughout the body including organs and your muscles .
If the oxygen in the body's needs are met , the function of the organs in the body will be optimized and is certainly very useful in preventing attacks of various diseases . This mineral deficiency can lead to anemia .phosphorus
In addition to magnesium , phosphorus apparently also function in the absorption of calcium . Together with calcium , magnesium helps the formation and maintenance of bones and teeth strong gums .
Phosphorus is also very involved in the metabolism of fat for energy production in the body . The need for phosphorus generally decreases with age where there is a disruption in the body's absorption of these minerals .sodium
Sodium has an important role in electrolyte balance , body fluid volume , nerve impulses , and acid-base balance . This mineral deficiency in the body can decrease blood volume .
The effect , decreased blood pressure , increased heart rate , weakness , rapid fatigue , loss of appetite , hair branching , and the formation of white spots on the nails .zinc
There are so many risks you can avoid the disease if your body gets enough zinc intake minereal , such as acne , hair loss , psoriasis , Alzheimer's , epilepsy , disorders of the senses of taste and smell , sexual problems , and other diseases .
In many cases , these minerals also play a role in accelerating the healing process of wounds , diarrhea , improves pancreatic function in the body , and reduce free radicals in the body which of course is known as one of the triggers of tumor and cancer .

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