Selasa, 25 Februari 2014


We are different. Tersinggat cliff confidence. Me with my god and your god with you. We say to each other, said the words that you and I both know the same. Trying to knock down the cliff. Reach a point where we can come together. And you have to end it. We split each other to form very deep trough of pain. I tried to wander. Why are you digging trenches at that time? Whether intentionally trying to dig me?. Here, I just pretend to be a writer amateur. Making this into a pattern of black ink half melancholy note for me. Pretend to be a stalwart among the WE. Hide a tear between the WE. Although it is impossible to unite us forever. This is where I ask Him. And I wish you well. Appealed to him. Say a prayer for each hook-shaped handheld in heaven


We . One word and one meaning , me and him . Sometimes ' WE ' make a person comfortable . Even without the ' WE ' one becomes comfortable . Everything has passed , passed into a bitter memory between ME and HE . WE who have made ​​a separation , why should there WE are finally making a farewell ? . Suppose I and HE without ' WE ' there would be no story blurb gray between us . It's too late , too late to uncover a piece of sweet memory between me and him , all covered the story of the ash . And I believe among the ashes stories are a wonderful piece of meaning for me . Which he sent to me . Now we're different . He is on a very quiet place and I'm still here to test my faith . Here , I'm trying to uncover the back part of the section . Looking back when he was still here . I smile Seumpan WE torehkan among memories , although it is impossible not to be repeated . Believe ME and HE . WE . Will be repeated there , the days were different , the eternal future

I Adore You (english)

Adore You belong to Miley Cyrus - heave accompany the first break in the School of Strata nation . Clear sky blends with the song Miley plus winds blow away every hair of this girl . He tucked some strands of hair to the nape of her ears so as not to cover the girl 's pretty face . The girl is tall slender berpawakan , milky white skin with a face frame decorated with almond brown eyes . He was sitting in the park next to the school . '' I want to ask you the same thing .'' ask '' what ? I 'm busy '' two insane sepoinya feel any wind . Suitable for enjoying time with family .
I wonder if this is the last time she was enjoying this atmosphere with a man beside her . '' I beg for a moment . After this you may go - '' This sweet girl in the draw breath as he closed his eyes and tried to control production so as not to spill tears '' do you still love me ? '' This girl asked carefully , " sure" replied sweet black tall man . " Bullshit . I know you slowly remove the taste of me . " He said without looking at the tall man .
" Remember similar promises before ? ' . " Yy - yes " . " Bullshit ! Even for a little menjawabpun you think " The girl started to honey brown eyes staring intensely at the man next to him was sambill menteskan tears . " I do not like tears " he exclaimed emphatically , his hands clenched and turned away " but you who made ​​the tears there " he said softly , looking down . " What do you want us to break up ? " . " Nope ! " The man replied quickly . " Unfortunately I prefer answers from someone's eyes than the mouth . That's where honesty was " this girl staring straight ahead . " I 'm sorry '' the girl said softly " I'm sorry if now I can not be the key of the padlock us again . The key was getting rusty as no one noticed . Although the padlock remains hospitalized and in case no partner useless . And you have to replace the rusty key with a new , not me " .
The man approached the girl holding the shoulders in the front . Explore every crevice of corneal eye " even though the key can be copied , but may not be in umpakan like a lock and key . Most people could indeed ngumpakannya but in my principles . You and I can not ! . although the existing lock new key but with a key that's rusted padlock locked the first time " . This girl could only silence . " I know . but one of them would slow sea beforehand whether it's rusty padlock or key "replied the girl . " Kalu so I 'll wait for the rusty padlock and throw it , I 'll do it like you did . We begin with an interlocking hearts and we end by removing most of our hearts in one after another and partly also " the man replied .

Yes ! Although in a different exhaust places but none with the right key for each lock and key is created for each pair . The girl smiled . Very ill indeed , should put an end to a relationship that is initially sweet . However , we are just a puppet with time as the mastermind . Continuously rotating front to create scenes that are difficult to guess . Currently mastermind a story that seems to be making two puppets in play it should be split up . One time , the puppeteer will make the scenario into a two- part story for two puppet characters that must be resolved ending . That might be better than the first episode . " I Adore You," said the girl at the end of his words with a sad smile . " .. You are too loose for my future while " replied the man , pulling the two ends to form a smile parting his lips and hugged his girl for the last time .

Selasa, 18 Februari 2014

10 Pantai terindah di dunia

1. Fernando de Noronha
pantai terindah
It is located on the coast of Brazil which is rather complicated seems to be able to go to this place. Naturally, if the beach is only known by a few people. Even so, the beach is worth dubbed as "The Most Beautiful Marine Park in the World" because of the beauty of the color of the sea is crystal clear and that's why this place is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

2. Maldives
pantai terindah
It is of course in the State of the Maldive Islands are located about 700 km from southwest Sri Lanka. Somehow this country has a lot of 'happened ....' be it the smallest country in the whole of Asia, the lowest country in the entire world, a country that has a population of at least in Asia. Maybe also because of the country's coast also be "The Best CALM BEACHES in the World"..

3. Anguilla
pantai terindah
Located in the Caribbean Sea, east of Puerto Rico. This beach is famous for its spectacular coral stone. The first rank in the top 10 World Best beaches of 2005 Discovery Channel Travel and Adventure certainly not a nonsense. Anguilla has everything. Quietness, cleanliness, modern, complete with little island life that really "Carribean".4. Boracay, filipina
pantai terindah
Located on the same small island about 300 miles south of Manila and is also the most blue beaches in the Pacific Ocean.5. Horseshoe Bay
pantai terindah
A beach is located in the western port of Vancouver. Many ships and mountains that seems fun ntuk enjoyed.

6. Kondoi, Coral beach Okinawa, jepang
pantai terindah
Okinawa. Islands of the safest in the world. Doors homes population alone is never locked. Three of the ten oldest people in the world live in these islands. Results of the atmosphere of a typical Japanese countryside combined with beautiful beaches.

7. Lanikai Beach, Hawaii
pantai terindah
The beach is not so great, but it is a beach with the clearest and bluest water in hawaii. Complete with a view of two small islands named Mokuluas in the distance.

8. Mnmbe Lodge, Tanzania
pantai terindah
Most beautiful beaches in Africa continent, although not located in the center of the mainland continent. Travel to Zanzibar is not easy, but if you have arrived at this beach, everything seemed to be valuable.

9. Tulum Beach, Mexico
pantai terindah
One of the first resorts in Mexico. Maybe from hundreds of years earlier also been used by the Mayan as a resort. Ever dreamed of swimming in the white sandy beach, calm and relax accompanied by a background of Mayan pyramids? Well then, welcome to your dreams.

10. Whitehaven, Australia
pantai terindah
7 kilometer white sand beach one of the cleanest and most isolated in the world must certainly be sufficient for our relaxing is not it? Sunglasses are a must at this beach was so white sands of this beach.


"Adore You"

Oh, hey, oh

Baby, baby, are you listening?
Wondering where you've been all my life
I just started living
Oh, baby, are you listening?

When you say you love me
Know I love you more
And when you say you need me
Know I need you more
Boy, I adore you, I adore you

Baby, can you hear me?
When I'm crying out for you
I'm scared oh, so scared
But when you're near me
I feel like I'm standing with an army
Of men armed with weapons, hey, oh

When you say you love me
Know I love you more
And when you say you need me
Know I need you more
Boy, I adore you, I adore you

I love lying next to you
I could do this for eternity
You and me—we're meant to be
In holy matrimony
God knew exactly what he was doing
When he led me to you

When you say you love me
Know I love you more (I love you more)
And when you say you need me
Know I need you more
Boy, I adore you, I adore you

When you say you love me
Know I love you more
And when you say you need me
Know I need you more
Boy, I adore you, I adore you

I Adore You

-Adore You milik Miley Cyrus- mengalun mengiringi istirahat pertama di Sekolah Strata bangsa. Langit yang cerah berpadu dengan lagu miley ditambah tiupan angin yang menerbangkan setiap helai rambut gadis ini. Ia menyelipkan beberapa helai rambut ke pangkal telinganya agar tidak menutupi wajah cantik gadis ini. Gadis yang berpawakan tinggi langsing, kulit putih susu dengan wajah yang berhias bingkai mata coklat almond. Ia sedang duduk di taman samping sekolah. ‘’aku mau tanya sesuatu sama kamu’’ .’’ tanya apa? Aku sibuk’’ dua insane sedang merasakan sepoinya angin yang berhembus. Cocok untuk menikmati waktu bersama dengan pasangan.

Entah apakah ini terakhir kalinya dia menikmati suasana seperti ini dengan pria di sampingnya. ‘’aku mohon sebentar saja. Setelah ini kamu boleh pergi—‘’ gadis manis ini menarik nafasnya dalam dalam sambil memejamkan matanya dan mencoba mengontrol produksi air matanya agar tidak tumpah ‘’apa kamu masih sayang sama aku?’’ tanya gadis ini dengan hati –hati, “sure” jawab pria jangkung  hitam manis itu. “bullshit. Aku tahu perlahan rasa itu kamu hapus dari aku. ” tandasnya tanpa melihat pria jangkung itu.

“masih ingat sama janji yang dulu?” .”yy-ya” . “bullshit! Bahkan untuk menjawabpun kamu sedikit berfikir” gadis ini mulai menatap intens mata coklat madu pria di sampingnya itu sambill menteskan air matanya . “aku gak suka air mata” serunya dengan tegas, tangannya mengepal dan membuang muka “tapi kamu yang buat air mata ini ada” ucapnya lirih sambil menunduk. “apa kamu ingin kita putus?” . “nggak!” jawab pria ini dengan cepat. “sayangnya aku lebih suka jawaban dari mata daripada mulut seseorang. Di situlah letak kejujuran berada” gadis ini menatap lurus kedepan. “aku minta maaf’’ ucap gadis ini lirih “maaf kalau sekarang aku nggak bisa menjadi kunci lagi dari gembok kita. Kunci itu mulai berkarat seiring tidak ada yang memperhatikannya. Walaupun gembok itu tetap di rawat dan di jaga percuma tidak ada pasangannya. Dan kamu harus mengganti kunci yang berkarat itu dengan yang baru, bukan aku” .

Pria itu mendekat dengan memegang kedua bahu gadis di depannya ini. Menelusuri setiap celah kornea matanya “walaupun kuncinya bisa di duplikat, tapi hati nggak mungkin di umpakan seperti gembok dan kunci. Kebanyakan orang memang bisa me-ngumpakannya tapi dalam prinsip ku. Aku dan kamu nggak bisa! . walaupun gembok itu sudah ada kunci yang baru tapi dengan kunci yang berkarat itulah pertama kalinya gembok terkunci” . gadis ini hanya bisa diam seribu bahasa. “aku tahu. tapi lambat laut salah satunya akan berkarat terlebih dahulu entah itu gembok atau kuncinya” balas gadis ini. “kalu begitu aku akan menunggu gembok ini berkarat lalu membuangnya, aku akan melakukannya seperti yang kau lakukan. Kita awali dengan saling mengunci satu hati dan kita akhiri dengan membuang sebagian hati kita lalu di susul sebagiannya juga” balas pria ini.

 Ya! Meskipun di buangnya berbeda tempat tetapi tidak ada satupun kunci yang cocok dengannya karena setiap gembok dan kunci di ciptakan untuk saling berpasangan. Gadis ini tersenyum. Sangat sakit memang, harus mengakhiri sebuah hubungan yang awalnya manis. Namun, kita hanyalah sebagai wayang dengan waktu sebagai sang dalang. Terus berputar ke depan menciptakan adegan-adegan yang sulit di duga. Saat ini sang dalang tampaknya sedang membuat cerita bahwa dua wayang yang di mainkannya harus berpisah. Suatu saat, sang dalang akan membuat skenario cerita bagian ke-dua untuk dua tokoh wayangnya yang harus di selesaikan endingnya. Yang mungkin lebih baik dari episode pertama. “ I Adore You” ucap  gadis ini di akhir perkataannya sambil tersenyum miris. “too.. kau adalah masa depanku yang lepas untuk sementara” balas pria ini sambil menarik kedua ujung bibirnya membentuk sebuah senyum perpisahan dan memeluk gadisnya untuk terakhir kalinya.

 -diah dwi-

Selasa, 11 Februari 2014

selembar kisah

Langit yang kontras dengan senjanya

Sesaat berubah menjadi gelap

Embun beningnya mulai menumpah

Membentuk cekungan kecil di pertiwi

Seminggu berlalu sakit di ulu hatinya

Meniggalkan mendung

Yang sulit berubah menjadi pelangi

Yang sulit berubah menjadi kontras senja

Aku minta maaf,

Karena aku kamu pergi

Karena aku kamu tak akan pernah kembali

Seolah kamu menanam kebencian diantara kita

Aku minta maaf,

Karena aku semuanya berakhir

Karena aku semuanya tak akan bisa diulang kembali

Seolah aku sebab semua kehancuran diantara kita

walaupun kita berpisah untuk sekarang ini

aku yakin kamu dan aku adalah masa depan yang satu


Minggu, 09 Februari 2014


Kita. Satu kata dan satu arti, aku dan dia. Terkadang 'KITA' membuat seseorang menjadi nyaman. Bahkan tanpa 'KITA' seseorang menjadi nyaman. Semuanya telah berlalu, berlalu menjadi sebuah kenangan pahit diantara AKU dan DIA. KITA yang telah membuat perpisahan, kenapa harus ada KITA yang akhirnya membuat perpisahan? . Andaikan AKU dan DIA tanpa 'KITA' mungkin tak akan ada uraian kisah abu abu diantara kami. Semuanya terlambat, terlambat menyibak secuil kenangan manis antara AKU dan DIA, semuanya tertutup kisah abu itu. Dan aku yakin diantara kisah abu itu terdapat selembar makna indah untuk aku. Yang dia kirimkan untuk aku. Sekarang kami berbeda. Dia pada tempat yang sangat tenang dan aku masih menguji imanku disini. Disini, aku berusaha menyibak kembali bagian bagian itu. Melihat kembali saat dia masih disini. Seumpan senyum aku torehkan diantara kenangan KITA, meski mustahil tak akan terulang kembali. Percayalah AKU dan DIA. KITA. Akan terulang kembali disana, dimasa yang berbeda, dimasa yang abadi



Disinilah aku menangis. Memutar kembali kisah yang aku sebut cukup kelam. Sedikit menengok ke belakang. Disini kami dipertemukan, dipertemukan dalam ikatan sahabat. Kebersamaan kami melalui hari demi hari yang kami anggap kian membosankan. Kami berusaha mengubahnya, mengubah menjadi waktu yang menyenangkan. Mengulum senyum sementara kala diantara kami ada yang menderita. Mengulum sendu sementara kala diantara kami ada yang terpecah, saatnya sebagian dari kat SAHABAT menyambungnya kembali menjadi kala itu. Mengulum letih sementara kala tugas menyelimuti kami, saatnya SAHABAT bersama membuangnya menjadi prestasi di sekolah. Mengulum malu sementara kala diantara kami membuat kesalahan. Mengulum duka sementara kala dari diantara kami ada yang berduka, saatnya kami bersama untuk melumpuhkan duka itu, mengubahnya menjadi sedia kala. Memang ! Kami disini sering dianggap sebelah mata. Menanggalkan kata ini untuk berbuat ke-onaran. Tapi disinilah sebenarnya kami memahami dan mengerti cara manusia berbagi. Berbagi suka dan duka. Disinilah, kami mengurai kisah abu yang kelam dan cerah. Saatnya kami berpisah nanti, goresan memori itu terus melekat dalam buku kami dan selamanya.
